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Arum Capital Review 2024

Arum Capital Review 2024

Arum Capital Overall rating

Ranked 162 out of 638 (Closed Brokers)
Overall rating is derived from an aggregate of ratings in multiple categories.
Rating Weight
User Rating
Not rated
Not rated
Pricing rating
Not rated
Not rated
Customer Support
Not rated

Arum Capital Profile

Company Name ArumCapital.eu
Categories Forex Brokers, Closed Brokers
Primary Category Closed Brokers
Year Founded 2007
Support Languages English
Financial Instruments Forex, Oil/Energies, Cryptocurrencies, Metals
Prohibited Countries United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Switzerland, China, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, India, Iceland, Italy, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Mexico, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Portugal, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Singapore, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, South Africa

Arum Capital Web traffic

Organic traffic rank 181 out of 638 (Closed Brokers)

Arum Capital Account types

Mobile Platform-
Trading PlatformMT5
Spread Type-
Minimum Deposit500
Minimum Trade Size0.01
Trailing Stops-
Trading platform MT5
Minimum deposit 500
Minimum Trade Size 0.01

Arum Capital User Rating


Arum Capital reviews by verified customers, cashback rebates, expert ratings, spreads & fees, leverage, demo accounts, downloads, trading platforms and more.

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Arum Capital Regulation / Money Protection

This company does not appear to be regulated by any government authority at this time.

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